Our Vision

International Bioinformatics and Health Organization (hereafter called “IBHO” or “the Organization ”) was directly nominated by The China Association of Research and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine as its “International Office”, directly reporting to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China. The vision of IBHO is to integrate Traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine and bioinformatics in particular, to shape the future of natural well being management system resulting in the betterment of human health care. In addition, IBHO will thrive to organize different specialized courses in TCM and health care whereby students who passed in the evaluations will be issued with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China (CARTCM) recognized certificates and learning passports. We also pledge to provide different professional consulting services to all of our international members.

Our vision is to build an international platform to promote, coordinate and synergize eastern and western medicine, bioinformatics, far infra-red rays technologies with modern natural health care. Collaborating with industry leaders internationally to promote B2B opportunities through organizing international conferences, overseas visits and interactive workshops. Lastly, we engage to educate, train, and to provide interactive events for individuals who are interested in developing their careers in the abovementioned disciplines to elevate their competitiveness and to increase the overall industry GDP, especially in the well-being sector.

Our Mission

  • To integrate Traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine and bioinformatics in particular, to shape the future of natural well being awareness system.
    • Promote PRC’s project on “Live a healthy life until 100 years of age”
  • To promote B2B opportunities internationally to elevate overall productivity of health care.
    • Build an international platform to promote, coordinate and synergize eastern and western medicine, bioinformatics and far infra-red rays technologies
    • Assist industries in obtaining Bioinformatics and Far Infrared Rays international certifications
    • Provide guidance and governance to industries in ensuring products and services offered to the general public complied with international safety standards
    • Provide expert consultation to industries in research and development of any related Bioinformatics and/or FIR products.
  • To promote and elevate the overall image of health care industry
    • Organize CARDTCM’s recognized specialized courses to Chinese medical practitioners
    • Organize CARDTCM’s recognized “Natural Therapist” courses to elevate their professional image
    • Arrange specialized overseas practical learnings and issue CARTCM recognized certificates and learning passports
  • To promote and educate natural therapy and well-being management system
    • To conduct and to co-sponsor seminars, conferences, exhibitions and workshops to facilitate joint ventures and cross countries eastern and western medicine, bioinformatics and far Infrared rays technological inventions and integrations
    • To raise public awareness and knowledge
  • To promote and sustain the specialties of TCM